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  4. Blue Door - print of acrylic painting by Ramsay Elson

Blue Door - print of acrylic painting by Ramsay Elson


ARTIST STATEMENT: This acrylic painting is of an abandoned building near Ronez Quarry. The building is being reclaimed slowly by nature and parts of it are decaying. Part of my research was on artists and photographers such as Andrew Wyeth and Thomas Windisch. These helped me understand how to represent decay and abandonment and inspired me to attempt to paint a detailed image. I decided the abandoned building with its bright blue door and ivy would be an interesting challenge. I am really pleased with the result. ABOUT THE ARTIST: This piece is Shortlisted in the 2021 Sovereign Art Foundation Students Prize in Guernsey. Ramsay created this piece aged 15 while studying at Blanchelande College.

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