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  4. Tomato Lorry Bombing - print of mixed media piece by Georgia Gray

Tomato Lorry Bombing - print of mixed media piece by Georgia Gray


ARTIST STATEMENT: This is a mixed media piece showing the St Peter Port harbor bombing which took place on the 28th June 1940, when 3 German planes mistook Guernsey tomato lorries for military vehicles and proceeded to bomb the harbor. This air raid killed 34 people and injured 33. I used an account by Malcom Woodland, who was a boy at the time of the raid, and he explained what he saw and how his family took shelter. This account helped provide me with visuals to base my piece off. ABOUT THE ARTIST: This piece is Shortlisted in the 2022 Sovereign Art Foudation Students Prize in Guernsey. Georgia created this piece aged 18 while a student at The Ladies' College

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